
Using Compassion to Provide the Best Psychological Services Calgary

Every May since 1951 (that’s over 70 years!), Canadians in communities, schools, workplaces, and the House of Commons have rallied around the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week. This year, between May 6-12, 2024, the theme is around the power of compassion and how that can be used to improve mental health outcomes for […]

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How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

A question that is always in people’s minds when engaging with a product or service is, “Am I receiving the best?” This is, in part, due to our natural human instinct for comparison, problem-solving, and forward movement to keep questing and pursuing more and better. It is also, in part, to our consumer culture which

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Woman being depressed

5 Steps to Healing from Codependency

What is codependency? Historically, someone who struggled with codependency was caretaking a loved one with severe illness and/or Addiction. They focus all time, energy, and resources on that loved one and leave little to no energy for themselves. Today, this understanding of codependency can be expanded to anyone who struggles with a dependence or over-reliance

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How it Feels On the Good Side of a Narcissist

There is lots of discussion in popular media about narcissism and narcissists. What is a narcissist? In a nutshell, they are somebody who can be very manipulative, cold (though act warm and charming as part of their manipulation), calculating, controlling, and lacking empathy. Inherently they are very unhealthy within themselves but do not see this

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In a previous blog post, I wrote about ‘The Dopamine Chase’ and how our brains can seek out increasing amounts of dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that tells our brain when something was rewarding and that we should do it again (and probably more of it). This can come from feelings, relationships, substances, food, and

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Building Empathy

There is a lot going on in the world right now and this has led to increased levels of stress, tension, as well as compensatory coping mechanisms like substance use, sex, and escape via media or other things. My hope (perhaps it’s idealistic) for the world is that we can see all of these goings-on

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