Paige Abbott

Do I Have ADHD?

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in Canada with approximately 4-6% of adults and 5-7% of children having it (source here). As therapists providing ADHD counselling Airdrie and ADHD counselling Calgary, this is something that we see show up on many days of our practice, even when people are

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An Interview with a Trauma Counselling Calgary Therapist

In honour of National PTSD Awareness Day on June 27, 2024, I decided to sit down with Jasleen Bhatoa, Registered Provisional Psychologist in the province of Alberta, to talk more about trauma counselling methods.  Jasleen provides trauma counselling in Calgary and Alberta for people struggling with nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, phobias and impairment in functioning due

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5 Tips for Early Recovery from A Calgary Addiction Counselling Therapist

Moving from regular use of a substance, like drugs or alcohol, or a behaviour, like overspending, overeating, working too much, compulsive exercise, gambling, or hypersexuality, is no easy feat and takes tremendous courage, strength and, let’s face it, desperation. Often people are forced to make changes through life consequences and circumstances that have become unmanageable.

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Using Compassion to Provide the Best Psychological Services Calgary

Every May since 1951 (that’s over 70 years!), Canadians in communities, schools, workplaces, and the House of Commons have rallied around the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week. This year, between May 6-12, 2024, the theme is around the power of compassion and how that can be used to improve mental health outcomes for

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Calgary Addiction Counselling: Treating Addiction Beyond Substances

We are living in a society where people hear the word ‘Addiction’ and automatically think of those struggling with severe substance use disorders. While this is certainly part of the reality, the face of Addiction goes well beyond this to those struggling in many other areas.  In this article we will explore Paige Abbott, Registered

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Codependency Counselling Calgary: 7 Strategies for a Healthy Life

Codependency, while not an official mental health diagnosis, is a term used to explain imbalanced relationships where one person inadvertently enables and participates in another person’s unhealthy behaviours, which are often connected with addiction, mental health, or poor physical health. Those seeking out Codependency Counselling Calgary and beyond can learn more about what codependency is,

Codependency Counselling Calgary: 7 Strategies for a Healthy Life Read More »