October 2019

One Part of Health Even Healthcare Practitioners Won’t Touch

In my experience as a psychologist, I hear people often hesitant to share about their spirituality and many acknowledging they have never been asked about it, nor discussed it, with their healthcare practitioners before. I wonder what is behind this? How come many healthcare practitioners are reluctant to discuss spirituality? I honestly don’t have clear

One Part of Health Even Healthcare Practitioners Won’t Touch Read More »

Boundaries: An inside job by Paige Abbott, Registered Psychologist

I hear clients often happily declaring that they have ‘set their boundary’ by telling somebody else what they need. For example, telling a friend to be on time because it’s upsetting when they’re late; telling a spouse not to yell when they’re angry; or telling a parent that their house is too triggering so they

Boundaries: An inside job by Paige Abbott, Registered Psychologist Read More »