Depression Counselling
Low motivation? Struggling to see the point in getting up each day? Avoiding life and typical responsibilities? Just not feeling like yourself?
We’ve got you.
Learn More About Depression Treatment

The short story
At Sana Psychological, our therapists work with mental health symptoms including depression, anxiety, anger, self-esteem, grief/loss that are either co-occurring with problem behaviours or as stand-alone symptoms. We are here to provide mental health support for those who are new as well as experienced in personal development and therapy. Our clinicians come from a variety of backgrounds and therapeutic approaches in order to best serve you and your loved ones.
Depression counselling involves an initial session or two to get to know you and determine treatment planning and recommendations, which will include self-management strategies as well as potential community supports. Sessions can occur in person or virtually (by phone or video). Fees are listed here. Treatment can be short-term (3-6 months) or long-term (6 months +) depending on need and preference. Sessions are also available for family members and loved ones who are open to support as well.

The long story
How do you know if you or a loved one has a problem?
- Changed appetite
- Changed sleep
- Feeling down, sad, blue much of the time
- Periods of normalcy followed by very low times
- Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning
- Low motivation, energy
- Hopelessness, despair
- Persistent negative thinking
- Relationship challenges
- Changed sexual appetite
- Suicidal thoughts or action
- Self-harm thoughts or action
- Anhedonia (no pleasure in things you normally enjoy)
- Dwelling on what could have, should have, or would have happened
- Replaying past situations and events in your mind over and over
- Turning to substances or unhealthy behaviours to cope
- ‘Self-medicating’
- Having a family history of depression, mental health, and/or Addiction issues
Treatment Approach
Depression counselling can be a short-term process, particularly if you already have good self-awareness, support network, and self-care resources.
Even those with these coping tools appreciate the opportunity to check in every few months or even once or twice per year to ensure they are staying diligent and accountable to their mental health plan.
For those who are new to depression counselling, may have spent limited time self-developing and reflecting, are experiencing more severe issues, and/or have multiple challenges they are dealing with, anxiety counselling may be a longer, more intensive process.
For all individuals, sessions are recommended every 1-3 weeks initially depending on where you are at. There is always lots to learn about you at the beginning of the counselling process and, the more we know, the better able we can support you in helping yourself. After a few sessions at this frequency, it may be appropriate to expand the time frame to sessions every 2-6 weeks. This will be collaboratively decided between you and your therapist. Sessions are offered in person and using Technology Assisted Counselling depending on need and preference. Our clinicians serve a variety of ages from 12-Adult and diverse geographical areas, depending on their credentials. You can learn more on the About page.
Time frame for therapy will depend on the plan agreed on by you and your clinician. Depression counselling is usually most intense for the first 3-6 months, than it may terminate if you would like, or can continue at a check-in pace at 6+ months. Life is chronic and mental health issues often are too, so we are there to support you, even as issues and treatment focus change. If specific issues are not remediating or shifting, alternative recommendations and referrals can be provided. From our perspective, the door is always open so even if you leave counselling for a period of time, you are always welcome back and you are welcome to see other therapists on the team at any time.
The initial 1-2 sessions will involve gathering as much background information as possible about you, including: Strengths, available coping network and tools, and challenges. Information is gathered to know about all parts of you, not just your relationship with mental health. Depression counselling is about much more than just your symptoms and will involve exploration and development of relationships, self-care, communication, boundaries, and more.
Our therapists have training in a variety of therapeutic modalities, which may include: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Solution-focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Motivational Interviewing, and more. An eclectic approach allows for therapy to customized to your needs.
Follow-up appointments generally involve a check-in to see presenting issues and immediate things that have come up that you may want to process, follow-up on any suggestions provided in past appointments to get an idea of progress as well as roadblocks that are coming up, followed by more in-depth exploration of challenges, patterns, and coping. Sessions are active and engaged as our therapists like to ask lots of questions and provide reflections, challenges, and psychoeducation along the way. At any point if the therapeutic approach or goals need to be changed, please speak up and this will be processed. Sessions come from a non-judgmental, compassionate, empathetic place. We are here to support you in doing different and being different.

Sessions are offered in person in Calgary, Alberta or by using Technology Assisted Counselling which may be available across Canada, depending on your clinician’s credentials. This can consist of phone or video sessions depending on need and preference. Information about fees is available here. Payment options include cash, credit card, debit, e-transfer, and direct billing with a number of different insurance carriers.
Depression counselling can be short or long-term, depending on your needs.
Appointments and free 15 minute consultations can be scheduled online at anytime.

For loved ones
Depression counselling may also involve concerned family members or friends who have been impacted. They may come in individually for their own support and/or join some sessions or parts of sessions with the individual who has problematic symptoms. If you are a family member reading this and hoping your loved one will change but you are not sure if they are ready, I would encourage you to come in for yourself to look at your own health and recovery plan. Change in any member of a relational unit creates change for the whole unit, so perhaps change can start with you. Even if you are feeling that your personal changes are not having an impact on your loved one, it will provide you the strength, resources, and ability to cope with an extremely difficult, draining, and challenging situation.
Wherever you are at, Sana Psychological is happy to support you in your journey.