
Free Self-Help Resources

A Free Gift to You:
A Guide to Self-Care Ebook.

Another Free Gift:
A Guide to Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Table of Contents

Below are some self-help resources to learn more about yourself. This is a curated list developed over years of practice that continues to evolve. We are excited to share some of these resources with you.

Disclaimer: Please use these resources thoughtfully and with caution and discretion. These resources are general suggestions and not all may be helpful or applicable to you. Self-help resources and support groups are not a substitute for professional assessment and treatment.

*We are not personally invested in, nor stand to profit from, any of the recommendations provided.

Mental Health Resources

Introduction to Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) for treating Trauma, PTSD, Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety, and more! This is offered by Jennifer Turner at Sana Psychological


‘Taking Charge of ADHD’ by Russel A. Barkley

‘Scattered Minds’ by Gabor Mate

ADDitude Magazine

‘Loving Someone With Attention Deficit Disorder’ by Susan Tschudi

‘Is It You, Me, or Adult ADD?’ by Pera and Barkley

‘The ADHD Effect on Marriage’ by Melissa Orlov

‘How to Keep House While Drowning’ by KC Davis

Blog post on the Benefits of ADHD at work


‘The Reason I Jump’ by David Mitchell

‘Unmasking Autism’ by Devon Price

‘NeuroTribes’ by Steve Silberman

‘Uniquely Human’ by Barry Prizant

Autism Alberta

Autism Calgary

Autism Research Institute


‘Happiness Trap’ by Russ Harris

‘Get Out of Your Mind and into Your Life Workbook’ by Steven Hayes

‘Feeling Good’ and ‘The Feeling Good Handbook’ by David Burns. These are classic resources connected to Cognitive-Behavioural therapy principles for those struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health symptoms.

‘The Unwanted Thoughts and Intense Emotions Workbook’ by Jon Hershfield and Blaise Aguirre

‘The Dance of Anger’ by Harriet Lerner

An article on Anxiety & Addiction by Sana Psychological on the blog Anxiety Gone

‘Stop Walking on Eggshells’ by Mason & Kreger for those supporting BPD in a loved one

Trauma & PTSD

‘The Body Keeps the Score’ by Bessel van der Kolk

‘Feeling Seen’ by Dr. Jody Carrington

‘Waking the Tiger: Healing trauma’ by Peter Levine

‘Healing Trauma: A pioneering program for restoring the wisdom of your body’ by Peter Levine

‘It Didn’t Start With You’ by Mark Wolynn

‘The Myth of Normal’ by Gabor Mate

‘What Happened to You?’ by Bruce Perry

‘The Way I Used to Be’ by Amber Smith


Brene Brown has many amazing books on shame, resilience and vulnerability. Her latest ‘Atlas of the Heart’ is an encyclopedia of emotions. Amazing! We’d encourage you to check out her other resources too

Kristin Neff on self-compassion

Tara Brach on self-compassion

‘The Confidence Gap’ by Russ Harris

‘Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?’ by Julie Smith

‘The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem’ by Nathaniel Branden


John Gottman’s resources are very helpful for learning more about healthy relationships.

‘The Science of Trust’ and ‘Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work’ by John Gottman are two specific books worth looking at

The Gottman Card Decks App is free and an interesting way to spark conversation

Dr. Sue Johnson has resources for building intimacy and close relationships including her seminal book ‘Hold Me Tight’

‘After the Fight’ by Daniel Wile

‘Attached’ by Levine and Heller

‘Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents’ by Lindsay Gibson

‘The Power of Attachment’ by Diane Poole Heller

The blog/website

‘Rebuilding After a Relationship Ends’ by Fisher and Alberti

‘Set Boundaries, Find Peace’ by Nedra Glover Tawwab and the corresponding workbook

‘How to Say No’ free ebook by Alexandra Franzen

FREE personality typing to explore who you both are in relationship (this can also be helpful for individual recovery and growth)

‘Sex Talks: The Five Conversations that Will Transform Your Love Life’ by Marin and Marin

‘The Highly Sensitive Person’ by Elaine Aron

Video on why moving on after getting dumped is so difficult


Togetherall is a virtual community in Alberta to get support from peers has been a resource many of our clients have found helpful for building community

Healthy Lifestyle

‘Whole Brain Living’ by Jill Bolte Taylor

Thich Nhat Hanh for spiritual teachings, mindfulness, acceptance

‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 

Prioritizing Financial Self-Care Video by Dow Janes

‘The Celestine Prophecy’ by James Redfield

‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear


For children and youth

For Transgender Adults and their Families

Skipping Stone

Stonewall Recovery Centre


‘Gender: Your Guide’ by Lee Airton

‘Life Isn’t Binary’ by Barker and Iantaffi


For Meditation and Mindfulness: Insight Timer, Headspace, Calm, Healthy Minds

For Sleep: Loona

For Journaling: Five Minute Journal, Day One, 365 Gratitude, Gratitude, MoodTracker, Daylio

For Self-Care: I Am, Finch

For Addiction Recovery: Reframe, I Am Sober, Quitzilla, Sober Tool, Monitoring Your Gambling and Urges (MYGU), Meeting Guide by AA, Everything AA, NA Meeting Search, Relay

For Mental Health: CBT Companion, DBT Coach, Resilify, Unwinding Anxiety, MindShift CBT app

For Men and Relationships: Men&

For ADHD: ADDitude- Strategies and Support for ADHD and Beyond; ADHD White Noise

For Dating & Relationships- Older Women & Friends; Sex and Psychology

Addiction Recovery Resources


ASAM Long Definition (2012)

National Institute on Drug Abuse to learn more about how substances impact the brain. Their teen section and marijuana sections can be quite helpful.

‘The Untethered Soul’ by Michael Singer for those interested in a more holistic and spiritual take on Cognitive-Behavioural Principles.

‘Addictive Thinking’ by Abraham Twerski

‘In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts’ by Gabor Mate

‘Dopamine Nation’ by Anna Lembke

Article on the problems with social media use and how it can compare to nicotine as well as an article on ‘Doom Scrolling’


Melody Beattie: ‘Codependent No More,’ ‘The New Codependency,’ and Daily meditations. She also has many other books that can be helpful in learning more about your relationship patterns.

Patterns and Characteristics of Codependency

‘The Enabler’ by Angelyn Miller

Article introducing 12-Step’s Codependents Anonymous

Healing from Codependency article

Alcohol Use

The SMART Recovery Toolbox for those struggling with substances and other problem behaviours.

‘Recovery: Freedom from our addictions’ by Russell Brand

‘Quit Like a Woman’ by Holly Whitaker

‘This Naked Mind’ by Annie Grace

‘Undoing Drugs’ by Maia Szalavitz

‘Not Drinking Tonight Workbook’ by Amanda White

‘Alcohol Explained’ by William Porter 

‘Alcohol is Shit’ by Paul Churchill
‘Alcohol Lied to Me’ by Craig Porter 
‘Intoxicating Lies’ by Meg Geisewite

Article on how to identify and support an alcoholic spouse

Eating Disorders

‘Overcoming Binge Eating’ by Dr. Christopher Fairburn.

‘Intuitive Eating’ by Tribole and Resch

This article provides a thorough overview of eating disorders

Blog on Eating Disorder Recovery from Seven Health

Sexual Addiction

‘Your Brain on Porn’ 5 part series on YouTube

Patrick Carnes’ ‘Out of the Shadows’ and ‘Facing the Shadow’ workbook for sexual issues

Paige Abbott, Registered Psychologist and Founder of Sana Psychological, has co-authored three books on Addiction: ‘Addiction is Addiction,’ ‘ the corresponding workbook and ‘Love, the Drug‘ about recovery.

We also recommend people look into the 12-Step programs (and/or other forms of peer recovery support and connection).

Here is a brief article introducing the premise of these programs. We would encourage you to do more reading and research before deciding on next steps of action. Here are some 12-Step programs that might be a fit:

Alcoholics Anonymous-AA

Narcotics Anonymous-NA

Cocaine Anonymous-CA

Gamblers Anonymous-GA

Overeaters Anonymous (quiz to determine if this program is a fit for you)

Anorexic and Bulimics Anonymous-ABA

Food Addicts Anonymous-FAA

Al-Anon (for family members and loved ones)

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families-ACoA

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous-SLAA

Sex Addicts Anonymous-SAA

Sexaholics Anonymous-SA

Codependents Anonymous-CoDA

Emotions Anonymous-EA

Workaholics Anonymous-WA

SMART Recovery, and/or Recovery Dharma YYC for group support if you are struggling with any problem behaviour.

We understand these groups may not be a fit for you, but some of the writings or materials may have an impact even if you do not pursue meetings.

Worth Recovery podcast (for women in recovery)

Some Bonuses: Paige Abbott’s Podcast Interviews- And More!

Canadian Podcast Sep 2022

Life Like a Movie 

Tale Me About It ep. 20 speaking about eating issues

Stomp the Stigma ep. 11 speaking about Mental Health, being a Psychologist, and more!

A 3 minute read article about Paige’s business, clientele and why she does what she does

A Few More Points

Workbooks. For reflection and self-help work, there are lots of workbooks out there on various topics related to these topics and much more. Try to pick ones that you can sample online to ensure you are comfortable with the format before purchasing.

Make It Personal. There are a lot of self-help resources out there. When looking at books, YouTube, websites, and other resources, we recommend finding resources that speak to you personally. Just because it was recommended or others have found it useful does not mean it will relate to you. Search out the general topic you are interested in, sample resources as you are able to, and then pursue the ones that resonate for you. These will usually have more meaning and personal impact then those you are looking at because you “should.”

Not a Replacement, but a Complement. While self-help resources are not a replacement for professional assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, they can certainly be complementary of the journey of change and can help people start to identify specific issues and places where professional therapy may be useful.

Have any resources that you have found helpful and would like to see added to this list? Email