
Using Bilateral Stimulation to Deal with Big Emotions

Having intense emotions when navigating life is understandable and human. However, not everyone knows what to do with these big emotions and how to navigate them in a healthy way. In fact, not learning how to work with big feelings can lead to problems with substance use and problem behaviour, as people turn to these

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Woman being depressed

5 Steps to Healing from Codependency

What is codependency? Historically, someone who struggled with codependency was caretaking a loved one with severe illness and/or Addiction. They focus all time, energy, and resources on that loved one and leave little to no energy for themselves. Today, this understanding of codependency can be expanded to anyone who struggles with a dependence or over-reliance

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Boundaries During the Holidays by Paige Abbott, Registered Psychologist

People can be so diligent about their boundary and intention setting during the year, yet a lot of that work seems to take a back seat during the holiday season. Boundaries are replaced by the automatic patterns of people-pleasing, image management, appeasement, obligation, expectation, and shoulds. (As a quick tip, none of the latter are

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