

In a previous blog post, I wrote about ‘The Dopamine Chase’ and how our brains can seek out increasing amounts of dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that tells our brain when something was rewarding and that we should do it again (and probably more of it). This can come from feelings, relationships, substances, food, and

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Healthy Fun

In my last post, I ended off by saying we would talk more about healthy fun as often people think that Addiction recovery is a drag and work. The truth is, it is effortful and draining, for sure, but there is also an energy and invigoration that comes from it unlike any other. Where people

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From ‘Good vs. Bad’ Feelings to Just ‘Feelings’

When you look up lists of feelings, they are often categorized as good vs. bad. This gives us the impression that some feelings are wanted, encouraged, and welcomed, whereas others are unwanted, discouraged, and, therefore, need to be avoided, shut off, and/or disregarded. From an emotional health and intelligence perspective, this sets up a problem.

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