
The ABC’s of Dealing with Conflict and Triggers

Relationships require effort. Whether that relationship be with ourselves or an external individual, they are something we need to constantly invest energy in, with obviously a great payback. Sometimes, however, people get stuck in this pursuit. Conflict and triggers are difficult moments to navigate and can feel overwhelming even to the most open and eager

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Living as an Introvert

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and more cities are recommending self-isolating as a precaution, it struck me that people who are normally busy and living an extraverted life are being forced by circumstance to live as an introvert. Introversion and extraversion are personality typing classifications that stem from the work of psychoanalyst Carl Jung. These

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Anxiety: Our Fear Reflex on Overdrive

I have struggled with anxiety throughout my life. Anxiety related to people, situations, performance, approval, not being good enough, safety, etc. It recently flared up in a deep freeze that happened as my brain was consistently on the prowl looking for possibilities of what could go wrong. Of course, there’s many. Furnace could break. Car

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