Tips for a Good Valentine’s Day: Insights from Couples Counselling Calgary
Relationships Amanda Nelson Relationships Amanda Nelson

Tips for a Good Valentine’s Day: Insights from Couples Counselling Calgary

You know when there is so much hype around a day that, when the day comes, it ends up being miserable and you can’t wait for it to be over? Yeah, welcome to Valentine’s Day! 

Not to sound too pessimistic, but it is just a natural human phenomenon that anytime our expectations get amped up too much, there is high potential for disappointment. On this Hallmark holiday, we also have relationship expectations tied in to compound these feelings and potential disappointments. 

It may seem like there is no way to have a good Valentine’s Day, but this is not true. In this article, our couples counselling Calgary AB therapists offer you tips and insight based on their therapy work to help you, whether as an individual or a couple, have a great Valentine’s Day. 

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Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

A company’s website is the main face of who we are and why we do what we do. A blog offers a unique way to introduce this in a more informal way. Today, we look forward to taking you through who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do. 

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Improve Your Relationships with These Couples Counselling Calgary Tips
Relationships Amanda Nelson Relationships Amanda Nelson

Improve Your Relationships with These Couples Counselling Calgary Tips

Relationships require work, and sometimes we forget this and coast on autopilot. If you are looking to revitalize, refresh, and improve your relationships with loved ones, whether friends, family members, and/or romantic partners, our couples counselling Calgary therapists have you covered. Based on our experience as professionals, personally, as well as from educational and self-help materials, we’ve compiled our top 10 list of tips to help improve the quality of your relationships. You deserve the best and you deserve to be happy and satisfied with the people you are surrounded by.

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Using Compassion to Provide the Best Psychological Services Calgary

Using Compassion to Provide the Best Psychological Services Calgary

Every May since 1951 (that’s over 70 years!), Canadians in communities, schools, workplaces, and the House of Commons have rallied around the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week. This year, between May 6-12, 2024, the theme is around the power of compassion and how that can be used to improve mental health outcomes for all. In this article, we explore how compassion can be used in mental health counselling Airdrie and beyond to offer people the best psychological services and outcomes. 

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Codependency Counselling Calgary: 7 Strategies for a Healthy Life
Relationships Amanda Nelson Relationships Amanda Nelson

Codependency Counselling Calgary: 7 Strategies for a Healthy Life

Codependency, while not an official mental health diagnosis, is a term used to explain imbalanced relationships where one person inadvertently enables and participates in another person’s unhealthy behaviours, which are often connected with addiction, mental health, or poor physical health. Those seeking out Codependency Counselling Calgary and beyond can learn more about what codependency is, what codependency counselling and codependency therapy looks like, and 7 core areas to explore for recovery. 

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How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

A question that is always in people’s minds when engaging with a product or service is, “Am I receiving the best?” This is, in part, due to our natural human instinct for comparison, problem-solving, and forward movement to keep questing and pursuing more and better. It is also, in part, to our consumer culture which keeps us doubting and questioning what is bad, good, and best. Of course this question comes up in the therapy arena as well, though the answer definitely looks different than if you are using the best phone or eating the best donair. 

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How Do You Know If You’re a People Pleaser? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment.
Anxiety, Relationships Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Relationships Amanda Nelson

How Do You Know If You’re a People Pleaser? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment.

On the surface, people pleasing can look like being kind, helpful, and offering support to other people. You may wonder how this could be unhealthy and unkind to our mental health? In and of themselves, these are great qualities and not where people pleasing can create issues. People pleasing’s harm comes from its intensity, frequency, underlying motivations, and impact. 

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