Chronic Illness And Chronic Pain Counselling: A Personal Story
Chronic Pain & Illness Amanda Nelson Chronic Pain & Illness Amanda Nelson

Chronic Illness And Chronic Pain Counselling: A Personal Story

Living with a chronic illness and/or chronic pain creates some unique challenges, as well as opportunities, in the lives of the individual with lived experience and those around them. Many people who live with chronic illness and/or chronic pain find themselves called to give back and it is not unusual for people with chronic illness to seek out professions in healthcare. This allows for a unique intersection of lived experience and professional training. In this article, our chronic pain and chronic illness counselling Calgary therapists offer some insight into living with chronic illness and how this changes lives. 

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Chronic Pain Counselling and Medical Trauma Counselling Calgary
Chronic Pain & Illness, Trauma Amanda Nelson Chronic Pain & Illness, Trauma Amanda Nelson

Chronic Pain Counselling and Medical Trauma Counselling Calgary

Our journey to supporting individuals and families living with chronic pain and/or navigating medical trauma began personally before it became professional. The therapists on our team who work within the areas of medical trauma and chronic pain counselling Calgary have a strong passion rooted in some of their own life experiences that prompted them to incorporate this into their careers

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