10 Strategies for Early Recovery from an Addiction Counselling Therapist
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

10 Strategies for Early Recovery from an Addiction Counselling Therapist

Changing your relationship with a problem substance or behaviour will be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do (I promise!); however, that does not mean that the process will always be easy. Based on our experiences providing addiction counselling Calgary, we have put together our top recommended strategies to help you in the early days of addiction recovery. 

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Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

A company’s website is the main face of who we are and why we do what we do. A blog offers a unique way to introduce this in a more informal way. Today, we look forward to taking you through who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do. 

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Trauma and Addiction Counselling for BIPOC Individuals in Calgary
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

Trauma and Addiction Counselling for BIPOC Individuals in Calgary

Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) therapists and people accessing trauma counselling, addiction counselling, and mental health counselling of any kind are underrepresented in therapy offices across Canada. Estimates are that only up to 38% of BIPOC individuals who are struggling with their mental health access professional support compared to 50% of White individuals. 

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5 Tips for Early Recovery from A Calgary Addiction Counselling Therapist
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

5 Tips for Early Recovery from A Calgary Addiction Counselling Therapist

Moving from regular use of a substance, like drugs or alcohol, or a behaviour, like overspending, overeating, working too much, compulsive exercise, gambling, or hypersexuality, is no easy feat and takes tremendous courage, strength and, let’s face it, desperation. Often people are forced to make changes through life consequences and circumstances that have become unmanageable. This does not the change the fact that great effort is required to move from Point A to Point B and kudos to you for the work that you are, will be, or have done to improve your life.

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Calgary Addiction Counselling: Treating Addiction Beyond Substances
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

Calgary Addiction Counselling: Treating Addiction Beyond Substances

In this article we will explore Paige Abbott, Registered Psychologist’s, experience of providing Calgary Addiction Counselling to those struggling with food, sex, love/relationship, spending, work, gambling, and media concerns and what she has observed helps those in their recovery journey. As you will see, Addiction can certainly involve substances but does not end there. This is an area Paige has been exploring for years. We invite you to visit a past blog on The Top 5 Areas Addiction Impacts After Drugs & Alcohol’ to learn more.

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How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

A question that is always in people’s minds when engaging with a product or service is, “Am I receiving the best?” This is, in part, due to our natural human instinct for comparison, problem-solving, and forward movement to keep questing and pursuing more and better. It is also, in part, to our consumer culture which keeps us doubting and questioning what is bad, good, and best. Of course this question comes up in the therapy arena as well, though the answer definitely looks different than if you are using the best phone or eating the best donair. 

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What to Look for in an Eating Disorder Therapist in Calgary and Beyond
Addiction, Kids & Youth Mental Health Amanda Nelson Addiction, Kids & Youth Mental Health Amanda Nelson

What to Look for in an Eating Disorder Therapist in Calgary and Beyond

Eating Disorder rates are on the rise since the COVID pandemic. It is estimated that at least 600,000-900,000 people are struggling with an Eating Disorder in Canada at any given time and this number is likely higher than we know due to the ongoing shame, secrecy, and stigma that still exists with this health condition. Women are 10x more likely to struggle (or at least be open about their struggle) than men and youth are the highest risk age group. Eating Disorders must be taken seriously as they can be fatal if left untreated, with mortality rates for those with anorexia being as high as 10-15% (stats from Eat Well Health Centre blog).

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Tips for Improving Men’s Mental Health
Addiction, Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson Addiction, Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson

Tips for Improving Men’s Mental Health

It is estimated that around 12% of men are accessing mental health support in North America compared to over 21% of women. This is despite men having reportedly higher rates of suicidal ideation, substance use and Addiction issues. What prevents men from accessing mental health care at higher rates? What can we do to change this? These are the issues that we will explore in this blog post about men’s mental health.

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Tips for Dealing with Compulsive Spending
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

Tips for Dealing with Compulsive Spending

Advertisers know how to tempt us with their marketing campaigns and most of us, at one time or another, have found ourselves buying something we did not need, going over our budget on a shopping trip, and feeling regret over a purchase. For most people, this is an occasional occurrence and then goes away completely or for a long time before another mild flare-up happens. Some people are able to learn from these experiences and implement new systems that help them reduce regret, overspending, and thoughtless buying. However, some people become caught in a destructive cycle of spending and buying that they struggle to remove themselves from, despite the increased knowledge, guilt, and tools they may have at their disposal.

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What Makes Gambling So Addictive?
Addiction Amanda Nelson Addiction Amanda Nelson

What Makes Gambling So Addictive?

Recently there has been a steep rise in the amount of gambling advertisements on all types of media. While many claim not to be “gambling” sites (not exactly sure how they’re able to justify this; even if no actual money is being transmitted the randomness of the games is gambling for our brains) and all of them have a “consume responsibility” disclaimer, nevertheless we are being exposed to this messaging and it has an impact.

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Dealing with Grief and Death by Suicide Resources
Addiction, Grief and Loss Amanda Nelson Addiction, Grief and Loss Amanda Nelson

Dealing with Grief and Death by Suicide Resources

I wish I could say I had not been touched by grief and loss but, of course, I am a human being and have been. Some of the most poignant losses in my life were those who died by suicide. With someone who dies of natural causes or disease, there can be regret when looking back on memories of the relationship and wishing that something different had been said or done. Sometimes people have been able to reconcile the bigger instances of challenge with that person before they died and can have more peace and acceptance.

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