Top 11 Goal-Setting Tips from Mental Health Counselling Calgary Experts
Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson

Top 11 Goal-Setting Tips from Mental Health Counselling Calgary Experts

You want something to be different. You make change. You get something different.

Sounds simple, right? It may sound straightforward, but the process is not always easy. 

As we sit in the time of year where ‘resolutions’ are popular (read one of our past articles about New Year’s resolutions being one of our pet peeves here), we wanted to create an article exploring healthy goal-setting, which is possible at any time of the year. Our mental health counselling Calgary therapists happily explore why we need goals, challenges with goal setting, and tips for accomplishing your goals.

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Improving The Holidays: Anxiety Counselling Calgary Tips
Anxiety Amanda Nelson Anxiety Amanda Nelson

Improving The Holidays: Anxiety Counselling Calgary Tips

There are no universals when it comes to mental health but one thing that is quite common in anxiety counselling Calgary is that the holidays can be challenging! All of our therapists see this too with their clients as they’re offering support. The energy starts to build in anxiety counselling Calgary in October/November and reaches a frenetic crescendo around this time. Never fear, we are here to help you make the holidays great again!

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Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

Sana Psychological’s Best Psychological Services Calgary

A company’s website is the main face of who we are and why we do what we do. A blog offers a unique way to introduce this in a more informal way. Today, we look forward to taking you through who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do. 

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Prepare for Back-to-School With Advice from an Anxiety Counselling Calgary Therapist
Anxiety, Parenting, Kids & Youth Mental Health Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Parenting, Kids & Youth Mental Health Amanda Nelson

Prepare for Back-to-School With Advice from an Anxiety Counselling Calgary Therapist

September. Some people hear the word and smile, with visions of falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and cozy sweaters coming to mind. For others, September evokes fear, stress, and anticipatory discomfort. These feelings depend on the person, their experience, and their relationship with anxiety and stress. For those who are higher in anxiety and stress, perhaps they have even sought out anxiety counselling before, there is a greater likelihood of the September Scaries. Here we have some tips for you from Meghan Nimmo, therapist at Sana Psychological, for parents, youth, and individuals who are looking to reduce their anxiety levels and transition into September comfortably. 

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Travel Tips from Anxiety Counselling and ADHD Counselling Therapists
Anxiety Amanda Nelson Anxiety Amanda Nelson

Travel Tips from Anxiety Counselling and ADHD Counselling Therapists

Travel. It’s meant to be fun, enjoyable, rejuvenating, and an exciting adventure. We all have a certain image in our mind when we think about travel. Let me tell you, though, that as a therapist supporting those with anxiety, ADHD, as well as other mental health conditions that travel can mean a lot of other things too: Stress, overwhelm, panic, worry, destabilization, fear, frustration and discomfort. Let’s get in a plane and fly across the world because this takes us about as far away from what travel is intended to be as it gets! 

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10 Signs You Would Benefit from Anxiety Counselling Calgary
Anxiety Amanda Nelson Anxiety Amanda Nelson

10 Signs You Would Benefit from Anxiety Counselling Calgary

It is natural to experience fear and worry about the future. This is ‘little a’ anxiety, which we use to describe a feeling. It is not a natural feeling to have to: Engage in compulsive behaviours to try and feel safe; or to have physical symptoms like heart palpitations, sweating, or dizziness; or to have a consistent sense of impending danger or doom. These experiences are more emblematic of ‘big A’ Anxiety. Anxiety is a mental health disorder with defined symptoms and types (as not all anxiety is created equal). 

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How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

A question that is always in people’s minds when engaging with a product or service is, “Am I receiving the best?” This is, in part, due to our natural human instinct for comparison, problem-solving, and forward movement to keep questing and pursuing more and better. It is also, in part, to our consumer culture which keeps us doubting and questioning what is bad, good, and best. Of course this question comes up in the therapy arena as well, though the answer definitely looks different than if you are using the best phone or eating the best donair. 

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How Do You Know If You’re a People Pleaser? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment.
Anxiety, Relationships Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Relationships Amanda Nelson

How Do You Know If You’re a People Pleaser? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment.

On the surface, people pleasing can look like being kind, helpful, and offering support to other people. You may wonder how this could be unhealthy and unkind to our mental health? In and of themselves, these are great qualities and not where people pleasing can create issues. People pleasing’s harm comes from its intensity, frequency, underlying motivations, and impact. 

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Navigating Holiday Pressure With Healthy Boundaries: 10 Strategies for prioritizing your mental health this season
Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson

Navigating Holiday Pressure With Healthy Boundaries: 10 Strategies for prioritizing your mental health this season

Each year I find myself circling back around to writing about mental health over the holidays and how to navigate the season in the healthiest way possible. This is because each year is a cyclical repeat of certain patterns:

  • Increased pressure (both internal and external)

  • Increased resentment

  • Increased stress and overwhelm

  • Financial demands that can become unmanageable

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20 Quick and Easy Relaxation Strategies You Can Do At Home Today
Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson

20 Quick and Easy Relaxation Strategies You Can Do At Home Today

People often have the idea that relaxation is a week-long vacation on a beach, a day at the spa, or having multiple hours to do an enjoyable activity. While these are all certainly examples of relaxing activities, they are also special and not available on a daily or regular basis (unfortunately!). Therefore, relaxation must be viewed in a realistic, not idealistic, way. 

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Why Is It So Hard to Relax? Tips for Managing Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety Amanda Nelson Anxiety Amanda Nelson

Why Is It So Hard to Relax? Tips for Managing Anxiety and Stress

Clients come into our office all the time saying that they feel chronically stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out yet do not know how to relax. This feels foolish to them because, “Who doesn’t know how to relax?” (their words, not ours). In reality, most people do not know how to relax unless they practice it because, believe it or not, relaxation is a skill and not as natural a muscle as we believe. Don’t believe it? Let’s talk some more about our relaxation response system. 

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Tips for Improving Men’s Mental Health
Addiction, Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson Addiction, Anxiety, Depression & Mood Issues Amanda Nelson

Tips for Improving Men’s Mental Health

It is estimated that around 12% of men are accessing mental health support in North America compared to over 21% of women. This is despite men having reportedly higher rates of suicidal ideation, substance use and Addiction issues. What prevents men from accessing mental health care at higher rates? What can we do to change this? These are the issues that we will explore in this blog post about men’s mental health.

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