The Facts About OCD: Symptoms, Diagnosis and OCD Counselling Calgary
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson

The Facts About OCD: Symptoms, Diagnosis and OCD Counselling Calgary

Despite being a psychologist since 2009, I have to admit that my knowledge about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is relatively small. As with any area, there is so much to know in the field of psychology that people develop specialties. Thankfully, I was able to discuss what OCD is, how it gets identified, and what OCD Counselling can look like with Megan Hanrahan, a Registered Psychologist who specializes in anxiety counselling and OCD counselling Calgary. Let’s learn together from Megan’s expertise. 

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How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

How to Find the Best Psychological Services in Calgary and Beyond

A question that is always in people’s minds when engaging with a product or service is, “Am I receiving the best?” This is, in part, due to our natural human instinct for comparison, problem-solving, and forward movement to keep questing and pursuing more and better. It is also, in part, to our consumer culture which keeps us doubting and questioning what is bad, good, and best. Of course this question comes up in the therapy arena as well, though the answer definitely looks different than if you are using the best phone or eating the best donair. 

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20 Quick and Easy Relaxation Strategies You Can Do At Home Today
Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Amanda Nelson

20 Quick and Easy Relaxation Strategies You Can Do At Home Today

People often have the idea that relaxation is a week-long vacation on a beach, a day at the spa, or having multiple hours to do an enjoyable activity. While these are all certainly examples of relaxing activities, they are also special and not available on a daily or regular basis (unfortunately!). Therefore, relaxation must be viewed in a realistic, not idealistic, way. 

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