Dealing with SAD: Depression Counselling Calgary Tips

Dealing with SAD: Depression Counselling Calgary Tips

Feeling more down, blue and not like yourself during the late fall and winter months? You may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is something that many people seek out depression counselling Calgary services for each year. 

What Is SAD? From Depression Counselling Calgary Therapists

Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD for short) is a specific mood issue that is thought to be created by our brain and body’s natural response to changes in available light throughout the winter months. 

Interestingly, we don’t actually know for sure why people experience SAD. The current working theory is that it is caused by changes in our circadian rhythms triggered by seasonal changes. Those who live in northern climates where there are shorter days and more darkness tend to be the most affected, which leads credence to this theory. 

The feelings and experience of SAD mimic traditional depression, yet are specific to a certain time of year. People with SAD notice that their symptoms fairly predictably tend to start and dissipate around the same time each year. 

SAD is different from depression, which can be unpredictably episodic or more static. 

If you wonder if you have SAD, stay tuned for our self-check quiz to help give you a better sense of this. 

Why Is It Important to Learn About SAD? From Depression Counselling Calgary Therapists

It is estimated that about 2-3% of Canadians will experience SAD to an extent that their life is significantly impacted. Up to approximately 15% of Canadians are thought to experience a milder version of SAD that does not interfere with daily life functioning in a huge way, but creates a tougher experience. You can read more about this here. Depression counselling Calgary therapists work with many people from November thru spring to develop and incorporate helpful tools to support themselves and lessen these experiences. 

While the percentage of people experiencing SAD may not seem super high, with our current population numbers this translates to over 1 million people experiencing SAD each year and over 15 million not feeling at their peak during winter months. These are big numbers!

If this is you, then you owe it to yourself to learn more and engage in proper treatment, including potentially working with a depression counselling Calgary therapist, to improve your quality of life. Below we discuss symptoms of SAD, including an online quiz, and some helpful treatment strategies. 

Do I Have SAD? From Depression Counselling Calgary Therapists

SAD tends to have many of the same symptoms as clinical depression, with the main difference being timing and cause. Clinical depression can occur anytime, in response to specific life events, and has no predictable start and end. SAD, on the other hand, correlates specifically with time of year.

Are you wondering if you are experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Disclaimer: Please note that this self-check is not a professionally validated assessment tool and is not meant to provide a full diagnosis. It is not a replacement for professional assessment and diagnosis. 

The self-check is intended to give you a cursory idea of whether or not your symptoms may fall within the realm of SAD. If you are answering affirmatively to many of the questions on the self-check, it is encouraged that you speak with a healthcare professional or your depression counselling Calgary therapist for further exploration. 

Strategies for Treating SAD According to Depression Counselling Calgary Therapists

If you suspect that you may have SAD, you may want to consider these action steps:

  1. Consult with a healthcare practitioner. Whether this is a physician or a depression counselling Calgary therapist, your qualified provider can work with you to identify next steps. They may go through some questions with you and discuss whether or not SAD seems like a fit for your situation. If you are thought to be experiencing SAD, they may suggest or you can start working through some potential treatment ideas.

  2. Plan activities and connection for fall and winter. Our depression counselling Calgary therapists have found that when people have planned activities, hobbies, and connection opportunities for the fall and winter that this can help mitigate SAD symptoms. These acts reduce isolation, get you out and moving, and give you something to look forward to rather than being caught in isolating rumination (which is definitely the worst place to be).

  3. Take time outside. People who regularly spend time outside walking, sitting, skating, skiing, or doing an activity tend to fare better throughout the winter than those who do not. This can include standing outside before you go into your home, school or office for a few minutes, but there seems to be added benefit if people spend time in nature. Nature offers us mindfulness, peace, calm, and can be very grounding. It is food for the soul.

  4. Consider a SAD lamp. There are lights that have been created to provide artificial sunlight indoors. This can be a nice, cozy and enjoyable way to start your day. You can talk through the pros and cons of a sun lamp with your physician and/or depression counselling Calgary therapist to see if this would make sense for you.

  5. Consider medication. Some people find their symptoms debilitating enough that they want to discuss anti-depressant medication with their physician. This can be a valuable tool to support your physiology and help you navigate the winter months feeling different. There is no shame in taking medication and we have many clients who are participating in depression counselling Calgary who take medication as a treatment tool.

  6.  Consider therapy. Working with a therapist on your general mental health, as well as specific symptoms can help empower you with information, understanding and tools so that you can support yourself more effectively outside of sessions. Therapy may be short-or long-term depending on your needs and preference. 

  7. Move your body. Physical activity has a great natural effect on our mood. It raises our happy biochemicals and decreases our unhappy ones, leaving us feeling recharged, better rested, and healthier overall. Whether this is body movement in your home, outside, or at a facility, the key for this season is to get, and keep, moving. 

These, plus other self-care strategies you may already be using in your life such as meditation, self-development, boundaries, financial health, culture and spirit, art, and hobbies, will help leave you feeling less impacted and more balanced this fall and winter.  

For additional tips, check out our ‘10 Tips for Beating the January Blues’ blog.

Additional Resources from Depression Counselling Calgary Therapists

Here are some additional links and resources to help you learn more about SAD and coping:

Please visit our Sana Psychological free resources page for free e-books and resources on a variety of topics related to depression, mental health and addiction.

Sana Psychological is a private therapy practice offering modern, evidence-based, real support from real people. Our mood, depression counselling and other mental health and addiction recovery services are available throughout Canada (depending on practitioner) with our main locations in Alberta, Canada. Interested in learning more? See our full bios and live availability here

Amanda Nelson

Amanda is passionate about growth, big-picture ideas, and putting together strategic marketing plans for businesses that want to scale.

Amanda’s philosophy is to love what you do, to never say no to new opportunities without hearing them first, and to treat others as she would like to be treated.

She is forward-thinking and intuitive when it comes to what a business needs to level up its marketing game. Amanda is a single mother to a spunky boy, she is obsessed with plants (210+ houseplants), and loves relaxing at home after a fulfilling day of work.

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